My Dinnertime Lifesaver

I’ve never been great at planning meals. I sometimes get on a roll and get excited about planning out my meals and it goes well for maybe, two weeks. I search for recipes, make my plan, create a grocery list, inevitably forget two to three necessary ingredients, make half of my planned meals, get tired of the leftovers, and promptly give up. I get frustrated by the amount of waste I create, the money spent, and the time it takes to make a supposed “30-minute meal”. I’ve been searching for years for someone to offer me an easy way to eat delicious, nourishing food that doesn’t stress me out or waste my time and money.

Enter Nisha from Rainbow Plant Life. Oh my gosh yal, she changed my life. I discovered her on YouTube a few months ago when one of her meal prep videos was recommended to me. I checked out her video and immediately connected with her meal prep mindset. She sees weekend meal prep for the work week as a time to prep the components of the upcoming meals rather than cooking the entire meal. She develops delicious homemade dressing and sauce recipes and advocates for pre-cutting and pre-cooking as much as possible.

Best of all, her food is vegan. As a “non-formal vegetarian” (I eat mostly plant-based but don’t claim the title because, on an increasingly rare occasion, a steak or bacon just sounds good. I love following Nisha’s meal plans because it is all plant-based but sometimes if I have cheese I need to use up or my husband, Matt, wants to have some grilled chicken in a grain bowl (he usually eats his own meals but sometimes partakes in these), it’s easy to do. But overall, I am eating way more plants and soooo much variety in color, texture, and taste.

Nisha offers a meal plan program, billed either annually ($15/month) or every 3 months ($18/month), where you receive a weekly meal plan that covers all of the recipes, meal prep instructions, and best of all a GROCERY LIST. Oh my gosh, the grocery list is amazing and makes my life so much easier. I spend waaay less at the grocery store and use up just about everything I purchase every week.

I no longer come home clueless and frustrated trying to decide what to make for dinner. All of the components are ready to go and in seriously less than 30 minutes (for real) most nights, I am eating a delicious meal that is crunchy, tangy, sweet, salty, savory, and packed with veg.

Happy meal planning! Hope you find Nisha’s meal plan as amazing as I have!

